

Characteristic of the Croton are the vibrant yellow to pink, red, and purple tinted leaves.

Price includes ceramic pot and giftwrap.

SKU: Croton Category: Tags: ,


The Croton, also known as Codiaeum , is originally a tropical plant. The species is naturally found in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the western Pacific Ocean. Despite its exotic origin, the plant is cultivated worldwide for its decorative features.

Characteristic of the Croton are the vibrant yellow to pink, red, and purple tinted leaves. In addition, the leaves grow into overhanging branches, which provide a spectacular colour effect particularly during the growing season. The plant has an ascending growth habit and can reach up to six metres in height in nature. When in a pot, the growth usually remains limited to about one metre.

In terms of care, the Croton requires a light location but avoids direct sunlight. The plant demands high humidity and regular spraying with water. It is important to allow the soil to dry out slightly between watering and during winter watering can be reduced. Furthermore, the Croton ‘Mrs. Iceton’ is fairly frost-sensitive and performs best at temperate between 16 and 27 degrees Celsius.

  • Height: 110 cm

Price includes ceramic pot and giftwrap.

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Flower Colors

Pink, Yellow